Raised on an Indian reservation, Daylene Martinez Lazos always worked hard. Motivated to teach her children a better way of life, she started a business that changed her family’s outlook and impacted the lives of women in her community and beyond.

“I wanted to show my children that we are not here to just survive. We are made to live and do more above and beyond to help ourselves and other people.”

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Inspired by her Children 

"I wanted my children to have more...more self-esteem, more values and self-worth. I wanted them to shed the victim mentality that makes people feel powerless to change their environment,” she says. “I also wanted the flexibility to be with them and make a positive impact on their lives.”  

Her messages of self-empowerment and abundant thinking resonate with her children and the women within her community and beyond.  

Daylene is passionate about teaching others how to reset their expectations. “It’s all in our mindset, what we choose to believe," she says.
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Life-Changing Products  

Daylene was first introduced to the beauty products she now sells when she was just 13. Her mother bought her a skin care set to treat her acne and she’s been a brand lover ever since.  

“In the end, my business is not about selling products. It's about helping people, whether it's with their skin care issues or providing them with a life-changing opportunity,” she says.