Formerly a shy person, Bruna Lira stepped out of her comfort zone to start her own business and became a confident, compassionate leader of women. The secret, she says, is being brave enough to share and connect with others.

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The Magic of Sharing

“Many times, women keep their business ideas to themselves for fear that someone else may become more successful. That’s what’s so unique about this business opportunity. It’s the opposite because the more you share, the more you receive back,” says Bruna.

Bruna yearned for an entrepreneurial opportunity that allowed her more flexibility. She was surprised to learn that the greatest reward of all is the joy she feels when helping others. “There’s magic in sharing what you know to help other people because it helps you tenfold.”
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No Boundaries

Bruna lives in a town of 13,000 people, so she quickly learned the tech tools she needed to build her customer base. Social media helped her break the physical boundaries of her location, and she has expanded her business all over Brazil. She is as comfortable building long-distance relationships online as she is in person.

Bruna is passionate about people and invests her time in getting to know their personal wants and needs. Once she discovers what drives them, she personalizes their approach. “Each step you take brings clarity for what you must do next. Once I understand their motivation and desires,” she says, “I can outline a path for them.”
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Facing the Future Beautifully

Bruna’s next goal is to reach the top leadership role in her beauty business. To keep her skin looking its best, she uses TimeWise® Miracle Set 3D®. She loves the results she sees in her complexion.