Her quest for greatness began early, working as an apprentice in her mother’s successful business. She took the valuable lessons she learned and added her own brand of determination that is rare for most people, but especially someone who was barely in her twenties. And she’s been creating waves ever since. 

“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference,” she says. “I’ve always been a dreamer.”

Image of Patricia Turker

A Mentor on a Mission 

Patricia started with a personal challenge to find other young women in her community who were ready to flip their own scripts. She paved the way by mentoring her team with compassion, teaching them how to set goals, build relationships and master the art of following through with their customers.  

To this day, Patricia remains on a mission to show young women that they can achieve their goals while they are young and energetic — responsible people who aren’t afraid to spread their wings and work.  “My business allows me to surround myself with positive people who can uplift and give me energy. I love working with women who can fall, get up, shake it off, heal the scrapes, and say: 'HERE I GO AGAIN'." 
Image of Patricia Turker

Building a Beautiful Life and Legacy 

Patricia’s shatter-proof confidence comes from building a life made from bold choices, and it shines through even in her choice of lipstick. The favorite shade that she can’t live without? Red, of course.  

Wisely she says, “Trends come and go, and fashions change but red lips always remain a symbol of intensity, femininity and empowerment.” 
Image of Patricia Turker

Patricia believes that a confident woman leaves her mark wherever she goes. And that’s exactly what she’s done for more than 30 years. The lasting legacy she has created promises to send ripples of change into the world for years to come.